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English 9th Class Guess Paper 2022

English 9th Guess


Q.NO.7: Change the voice of the following:


1) She likes mangoes.

2) They have bought a horse.

3) She will write a letter.

4) They caught the thief.

5) He will tell a story.

6) Shut the door.

7) She tells a lie.

8) They love their dog very much.

9) They praise the boy for his courage.

10) I will buy a car.

11) He is mending the chair.

12) Try this shirt.

13) We did not hear a sound.

14) Open the window.

15) Who is singing the song?

16) A car run over a child.

17) Open your book.

18) She did not cheat anyone.

19) We shall have read the lesson.

20) Aslam will not fly the kite.

21) Always speak the truth.

22) He reads good books.

23) Who will oppose you?

24) Do not tell a lie?

25) Break the egg.

9th English Guess Papers for Summary idoms Letters and Stories

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All issues related to the issuance and repayment of loans are regulated by the rules of banks. A loan agreement is concluded between the borrower and the bank. The loan agreement provides for: the objects of lending and the term of the loan, the conditions and procedure for issuing and repaying it, forms of securing obligations, interest rates, the procedure for their payment, obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties for issuing and repaying the loan, a list of documents and the frequency of their provision to the bank and other conditions.

To conclude an agreement, the bank carefully analyzes the solvency of the organization, that is, its ability to repay the loan and pay interest on time. To do this, he uses the documents and reports received from her, and, if necessary, carries out preliminary checks of the presence of the object of support in place. In the future, the organization, in the manner and terms established by the loan agreement, provides the bank with an accounting report (balance sheet) and other documents necessary for current control over the economic and financial activities of the organization until the loan is fully repaid.

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