English Grammar Notes for NTS PPSC FPSC Test

English Grammar Notes for NTS PPSC FPSC

We are going to share with you the most important & common english grammer terms details which are mostly comes in different general knowledge papers and especially in NTC, PPSC or FPSC exams. These are all the things which we have read in many classes just go through them, so that if the comes in the paper, you can attempt without any hesitation. All the Terms and their definitions are mentioned below for our brothers which want to appears in different exams especially NTS, PPSC or FPSC papers. Let’s go through these terms :

What is a Noun?

A word like table, dog, teacher, America etc. A noun is the name of an object, concept, person or place. A “concrete noun” is something you can see or touch like a person or car. An “abstract noun” is something that you cannot see or touch like a decision or happiness. A “countable noun” is something that you can count (for example: bottle, song, dollar). An “uncountable noun” is something that you cannot count (for example: water, music, money).

What is an Object?

In the active voice, a noun or its equivalent that receives the action of the verb. In the passive voice, a noun or its equivalent that does the action of the verb.

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What is Participle?

The -ing and -ed forms of verbs. The -ing form is called the “present participle”. The -ed form is called the “past participle” (for irregular verbs, this is column 3).

Parts Of Speech?

One of the eight classes of word in English – noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

What is Passive Voice?

In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb (eg The President was killed). See also Active Voice.

What is a Phrase?

A group of words not containing a subject and its verb (eg on the table, the girl in a red dress).

What is a Predicate?

Each sentence contains (or implies) two parts: a subject and a predicate. The predicate is what is said about the subject.

What are the Prepositions?
A word like at, to, in, over etc. Prepositions usually come before a noun and give information about things like time, place and direction.

What is Pronoun?

A word like I, me, you, he, him, it etc. A pronoun replaces a noun.

What is a Sentence?

A group of words that express a thought. A sentence conveys a statement, question, exclamation or command. A sentence contains or implies a subject and a predicate. In simple terms, a sentence must contain a verb and (usually) a subject. A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!).

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What is Subject in a sentence?

Every sentence contains (or implies) two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is the main noun (or equivalent) in a sentence about which something is said.

What are Tenses?

The form of a verb that shows us when the action or state happens (past, present or future). Note that the name of a tense is not always a guide to when the action happens. The “present continuous tense”, for example, can be used to talk about the present or the future.

What is a Verb?

A word like (to) work, (to) love, (to) begin. A verb describes an action or state.

What is Active Voice?

In the active voice, the subject of the verb does the action (eg They killed the President). See also Passive Voice.

What is Adjective?

A word like big, red, easy, French etc. An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.

What is an Adverb?

A word like slowly, quietly, well, often etc. An adverb modifies a verb.

What is an Article?

The “indefinite” articles are a and an. The “definite article” is the.

What is an Auxiliary Verb?

A verb that is used with a main verb. Be, do and have are auxiliary verbs. Can, may, must etc are modal auxiliary verbs.

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What is Clause?

A group of words containing a subject and its verb (for example: It was late when he arrived).

What is a Conjunction?

A word used to connect words, phrases and clauses (for example: and, but, if).

What is Infinitive?

The basic form of a verb as in to work or work.

What is Interjection?

An exclamation inserted into an utterance without grammatical connection (for example: oh!, ah!, ouch!, well!).

What is Modal Verb?
An auxiliary verb like can, may, must etc that modifies the main verb and expresses possibility, probability etc. It is also called “modal auxiliary verb”.

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