General Science Guess Paper 9th Class 2022
General Science Guess 9th
Islami Chemia Gary,
Jadid Scientists ,
Qurani Ayat,
Zikarya Razi, Ibn ul Haitiam, Dr Munir, Dr Ishfaq,
Botany, Zøology, Geography, Astronomy,
Allotropic and Non Allotropic Forms,
Water, Rare Gases,
Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus Ehmiat, Enzymes,
Genetic Enginering,
Metabolism, Pencilin, Vaccines, Proteins, Vitamins,
Glands,First Aid,
Animal Bite,
Jal Jana, Smal Pox,Measles, Hepatitis, T.B,
Round Worm, Thread Worm,
Jarasim k Phelao,
Dimaghi Bimarian,
Drug, Medicine, Narcotics,
Green House Effect,
Mahool k Aalodgi,
Fosil Fuels,
Mashni Farming,
Jangli Hayat,
Abadi k Mahool Per Asarat,
Ozone and Global Warming

Automated tasks
Managing a class often involves repetitive and uninteresting tasks for the teacher. Digital teaching tools that include classroom management tools save significant time in monitoring, statistical analysis and reporting for the teacher. He therefore has more time to devote to the creation of exercises, the preparation of his lessons, or the development of other educational activities. Learning a foreign language is therefore facilitated in many ways by the use of a specific school tablet. With dedicated tools and teacher support, it’s the most powerful tool for learning a language in the most intuitive and efficient way possible. It is in any case a great opportunity to make this teaching more modern and dynamic and more attractive for all students!