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God’s Attributes Poem by Jalaluddin Rumi Summary

God’s Attributes Poem Summary

Allah Almighty is Seeing to the end to retain a person to commit a sin or to do wrong.


Allah Almighty is Hearing to the end to restrict a person to use foul language.


Allah Almighty is Knowing to the end to make one afraid of plotting an evil against others.


These attributes are not mere vain titles of Allah Almighty as we can call a Negro as Camphor. These are full of meaning.



Therefore, I decided to collect all the material in books. Make it out, and only then put it all out in one fell swoop. Alas, there is no time to finish. In this connection, I will finalize only one so far. Of course, the book can be blocked. But at least putting it up in one fell swoop is faster and easier than posting and customizing every article. Likewise, the reader downloads the entire book at once. So much depends on the nature of the information, and who and in what conditions perceives it. It is possible that this book will be more practical for someone to work through online in the form of sections on the site.

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