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Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas r.a Ke 100 Qissay By Maulana Muhammad Owais Sarwar

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas r.a Ke 100 Qissay pdf


The book Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas ra Ke 100 Qissay By Maulana Muhammad Owais Sarwar, contains the 100 most beautiful life stories of the famous Sahabi Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abaas ra in Urdu.


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The downside of the reform is that directors and teachers are entrusted with bigger tasks than before, and instead of teaching children, organize a more effective learning process, the school’s work team is forced to fill out papers, hold conferences and various meetings while the main task school is not bureaucracy, but the education of children. The powers and responsibilities of directors are expanding and it is not known whether the management will be able to manage both the school and the kindergarten.

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