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Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood r.a Ke 100 Qissay By Maulana Muhammad Owais Sarwar

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood ra Ke 100

The book “Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood ra Ke 100 Qissay “narrates 100 most beautiful life stories of the famous Sahabi Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood (RA) in Urdu.

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Despite the many positive aspects of this reform, many parents are against the implementation of this program, noting that it has many shortcomings. So, due to the unification of schools and kindergartens , the number of students has increased . Whereas previously the building was designed for 2,000 students, now it should hold 500 more. Naturally, not every school can boast that it has additional buildings for teaching, but if they do, parents begin to complain that their children are being transferred from one school building to another, that is, in fact, there is a need for an adaptation process again. The playground, the school stadium are forced to be divided into a kindergarten and a school, which may cause problems with physical education lessons and walks for preschoolers.

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