The Huntsman Poem Reference to the Context

The Huntsman Reference to the Context




These lines have been taken from the poem “The Huntsman” written by Edward Lawbury.




This poem tells a Kenyan folk-lore. It tells that sometimes a hunter becomes hunted himself. Kagwa went hunting and found a talking skull. He came to the king and informed him to the fact. The king ordered to know the reality. When it was found not so, Kagwa was killed. Strange enough it was that after his murder the skull spoke. The story tells us that irresponsible talking can bring destruction. The elements of suspense and irony create a shocking impact.

Therefore, it is so important to focus not on genes, but on memes. Again, you can start creating your memetic copy right now. And it is natural to do this during life. Although, unfortunately, the IT sphere, at the moment, is literally in its infancy. People have no culture of use, no understanding of what daunting tasks digital technologies can solve. Yes, they are very tightly included in our life, but people are like monkeys from Krylov’s fable, not how they will not understand what to do with IT glasses.

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