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Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess Paper for 10th Class 2022

Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess for 10th Class


Islamiat Elective Guess for Matric

Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess Paper for 10th Class 2018


Islamiat Compulsory Guess Paper 2022

It reflects the degree of study in the literature of the issues considered in the work, indicates the subject, object and level of research (micro-, meso-, macroeconomic), information and methodological bases of the work, a brief description of the content of the work by chapters (sections).

The main part of the master’s thesis includes at least two chapters, divided into paragraphs. The content of individual chapters should meet the objectives formulated in the introduction and consistently reveal the topic of the work. Each chapter ends with three or four chapter conclusions. The number of conclusions in the thesis should correspond to the tasks.

The main principles of the stylistic features of the language of the dissertation: brevity, reasoning and lack of emotional load.

When writing a dissertation, the student is obliged to give references to the author and the source from which he borrows materials or individual results. When using ideas or developments belonging to co-authors in the dissertation, the applicant is obliged to note this in the dissertation. In the case of using borrowed material without reference to the author and source of borrowing, the dissertation is removed from consideration.

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