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Khaak Aur Khoon Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Naseem Hijazi Novel Khaak Aur Khoon

This is one of the best piece of Khaak Aur Khoon From the collection of or Written by Naseem Hijazi It have 386 (Three Hundred and Eighty Six) Pages.

With the advent of e-books on the Internet, the question has become increasingly discussed: what to give preference to – ordinary paper books or their electronic counterparts? Most are impressed by the convenience and versatility of e-books, but the adherents of tradition point to the advantages of familiar books.

Let’s not hide: our sympathy is on the side of e-books, since they are much more convenient and practical, and in general we are inclined to support technical progress in all its manifestations.
So, let’s list some of the advantages and disadvantages of e-books.
Pros of e-books:

1. Environmental friendliness
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2. Unlimited choice
When buying a paper book, you buy a certain text. By purchasing an e-book, you get a window into the world of all world literature and all the variety of texts created by mankind. Using an e-book as a frame, you can place any work in it and read it, if, of course, you have the skills to search the Internet.
3. Customizability of the display of text
Ordinary books often disappoint us with print quality, paper color or size and type of font. In an e-book, text can be formatted as you like, and it will be the way you want it to be, and the clarity of the text displayed by most readers is superior in quality to even the best print in paper books.
4. Transportability
The mass of most e-books containing the texts of thousands and thousands of folios is about 250 g. And, of course, a compact e-book will take up much less space in your bag than any paper book (except for the smallest pocket editions).

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