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Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel Book by Hashim Nadeem Novel PDF

Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel / Book PDF Read Online

This is one of the best piece of Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel / Book From the collection of or Written by Hashim Nadeem It have 240 (Two Hundred and Forty Only) Pages of Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel / Book.

Features to look out for when choosing an e-book
In order to finally close the question of how to choose an e-book, the main technical characteristics of these devices.


The most important characteristic of any reader is the type of screen. Now on the market you can find e-books with screens of three types: E-ink, SiPix and TFT.

E-ink has long been the standard for such devices. This screen provides a clear, high-contrast picture. The image on such a screen is updated only at the moment of turning pages. Thanks to this, the picture looks static and does not tire the eyes.

A TFT screen is a common liquid crystal screen, which is widely used in computer technology. TFT has several advantages. The TFT screen is color, it allows you to read books with color illustrations or even browse the web. Besides that, you can watch TFT videos. The disadvantage of this solution is the “flickering” of the screen, which will tire the eyes when reading the text for a long time.

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Screen size for Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel / Book

Another very important characteristic. The size of screens for modern readers ranges from 4 to 10 inches. If you are buying a device for the home, it is better to choose an e-book with a large 9-10 inch screen. If you plan to read in transport or regularly carry the reader with you, it is better to stay on models with a diagonal of up to 8 inches. Anyways, come to the point that is Khuda Aur Mohabbat Novel / Book.


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