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Kimya-e-Saadat in English Free Pdf

Kimya-e-Saadat in English

Title of the book is “Kimya-e-Saadat” Alchemy of Eternal Bliss in Persian language and written by Imam Ghazali ra This is the revised version of this great book by Muhammad Asim Bilal with great care and skill. He has full command on both the languages. Revised by Justice Munir Ahmad Mughal. Imam Ghazali (rahmatullahi alaihi) has a distinguished place in the Islamic history.

Undoubtedly, memorizing all of them is a thankless and useless task. After all, even native speakers get by with a vocabulary of about 10-15 thousand words. True, not words, but lemmas, that is, the initial forms of words from which verb forms, adjectives, case nouns that have a common root originate. So you need to know a certain number of such forms for each specific purpose:

about 500 English words will help you “not get lost” and understand the main message of the interlocutor;
knowing 1000 words on an everyday familiar topic, you can “with grief in half” support the conversation, without going beyond the subject;

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