Kinds of Speed in Physics

Kinds of Speed in Physics


Kinds of Speed


  1. Uniform Speed


If a body covers an equal distance in equal interval of time so the body is said to be in uniform speed.


  1. Variable speed


If a body does not cover an equal distance in equal interval of time so the body is said to be in variable speed.


In general, it made me start reading and re-reading the classics. Entertaining literature. Well, what’s the use … I do not know.. . pleasure can be obtained if the plot is captured. If you read a lot – no matter what – you start making fewer mistakes when you write: if you do, you immediately notice that the word looks somehow strange. Cons – time that can be spent on something else that will bring more pleasure. Entertainment literature is like ice cream, and classic or serious modern literature is a gourmet dinner in an expensive restaurant. Which at the same time costs the same as ice cream. Scientific or popular science literature.

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