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Lashon Ka Bazar by Ibn-E-Safi from Imran Series

Lashon Ka Bazar by Ibn-E-Safi

This is one of the best piece of Lashon Ka Bazar From the collection of or Written by Ibn-E-Safi It have 64 (Sixty Four Only) Pages. Develop imaginative thinking. Our brain is designed in such a way that it perceives pictures much faster than words. Therefore, when reading, try to visualize the described objects and phenomena. Research has shown that if you can’t visualize a word, you’re more likely to forget it. Therefore, for each new or difficult word (for example, for professional terms) attach a unique picture.
Measure indicators. Measurement improves the result, this has long been a common truth. Then why are reading parameters measured only at school? It is equally important for an adult who works with gigantic amounts of information to know how quickly he reads and how effective he is in perceiving texts.


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