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Leisure by William Henry Davies Summary

Leisure Poem Summary


The poet asks the meaning of this busy and bore life if there is no time for us to enjoy the beauty spread all around. We have no time to stand under the trees and enjoy their restful shade. We have less time than cattle to look around.


We are so preoccupied that we cannot enjoy the beautiful scene of streams that twinkle like starry night in the sunshine.


We cannot turn our eyes to the natural beauty spread all around us dancing and smiling. Her smile can be a source of solace for us but we are sick hurried and are deprived of all these blessings.


In the light of all our busy and materialistic approach to life, our life is a poor life despite having all the modern facilities.

Following this, the programs themselves are in no hurry to develop and popularize. Programs that already now could significantly simplify and transfer our life to another level. Even such giants as Microsoft, Google, Yandex and similar companies do not understand what to focus on. At the moment, as far as I know, they are not closely involved in such projects. To be honest, I can’t take on a close search for them either.

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