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Mamlay Dil Ke Novel by Razia Butt

Mamlay Dil Ke Novel

This is one of the best piece of Mamlay Dil Ke novel From the collection of or Written by Razia Butt It have 261 (Two Hundred and Sixty One Only ) Pages.


“Cams”. This technique is well known in the East, it is actively used in reflexology (a method of treatment based on the impact on biologically active points of the body). Make a fist with your left hand and keep your right palm in an open position (press your thumb against the rest). Place your left hand, clenched into a fist, in front of you. And the open palm of the right hand so that its middle finger touches the little finger of the left hand. Then change the position of your hands. Now your right hand is clenched into a fist, and your left palm is open, and the middle finger of your left hand touches the little finger of your right. Repeat this exercise several times, as if trying to jump attention from one hand to another. If you can do it easily, speed up the pace of the “transition.” Do this exercise before reading the text toincreasing concentration of attention .

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