A Man of Words and not of Deeds Poem Summary

A Man of Words and not of Deeds Summary


A man who always talks and boasts, and is not involved in any practical work is like a wild plant that grows in the garden unwontedly. And when it becomes grown up, the garden looks like snow in winter. It gives the garden shape of an idle bird that lacks warmth of life. And when the bird flies it becomes useless as an eagle flying high and providing no benefit to others.


Then it roars like a lion at the door in the form of death. The door gives way and the death prevails everywhere as a penknife cutting through somebody’s heart. In this way a man of words becomes a source of death for humanity.

By the way, I turned a couple into books. For example, (probably already mentioned) “Oprish T. Entertaining bionics” compiled from the site http://biologylib.ru/. And some books are made online in the form of sites (this can be seen on the example of the same site at the link above). On them, each small chapter is displayed as a page. The content has active hyperlinks to a particular chapter. Thus, the line between sites and books can sometimes blur

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