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Masail-e-Eidain By Professor Dr. Fazle Elahi



Masail e Eidain an Islamic Fiqh of Eids written by Professor Fazle Elahi. Islamic knowledge regarding the Eid and eid festival. Masail e Eidain is a comprehensive solution to all issues related to Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha. Learn in Urdu language.Click the following link to read online or download the book in Pdf format. 5 taboo for a tutor
1. Never compare the student with other charges, as each of them has their own abilities and capabilities.
2. Do not preach or try to educate your parents.
3. Do not threaten to quit classes with this student, thereby you dishonor your reputation, but do not throw a stone into your parents’ garden.
4. Do not “diagnose” a child even if you are sure that he has no ability to learn at all.
5. Never discuss with the child the previous conversation with the parents and do not share secrets.


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