Matric Class Maths Questions and Answers

10th Class Maths Questions and Answers


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Matric Class Maths Questions and Answers

Math Complete Guess Papers for Matric

Raising the status of a teacher, introducing a flexible system of remuneration depending on the results of the teacher’s activities, freeing up time for main work by reducing the bureaucratic load.

Ensuring the participation of Uzbekistan in international comparative studies on assessing the quality of education: an international program for assessing the educational achievements of 15-16-year-old students (PISA – assessment of mathematical literacy and literacy of reading and natural sciences), assessment of mathematical and natural science literacy of students 4 and 8 classes (TIMSS) and the international study “Learning Reading Quality and Text Understanding” (PIRLS).

A dramatic improvement in the quality of training through the introduction of modern educational programs, pedagogical and smart technologies in the educational process (the formation of electronic modules and distance learning programs).

The development of inclusive education to ensure conditions for equal access to education and upbringing of children with disabilities, including the creation of a barrier-free environment (lifting devices, ramps, special facilities in sanitary rooms, equipping with handrails, special desks, desks; creation of integrated education programs for children with disabilities; providing teachers, defectologists and specialists in psychological and pedagogical support of children).

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The introduction of a national system for assessing the quality of education and its impact on the level of innovative development of the country.




2. Next, the preparation of the text of the “Introduction” section begins. Preparation of the design of the study of theoretical literature: – Substantiation of the scope of topics and the list of theoretical literary sources; – substantiation of the adequacy of topics for the chosen topic of the thesis and the problem to be considered. After writing the introduction, the student sends it to the e-mail of his supervisor to study and form comments on the introduction and design of the study of theoretical literature

3. After the introduction, the preparation of the text of the section “Review of theoretical literature” begins. The preparation of refined research questions and the development of the design of the research methodology. The material is also sent to the Supervisor for the formation of comments on the review of theoretical literature and the design of the methodology.

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4. Next, the preparation of the text “Methodology” and “Methods for conducting private research” begins. As a rule, the writing of this section and the conduct and description of research occur at one, the most difficult and responsible stage. Therefore, simultaneously with the choice of methodology, research is carried out and the text of the sections “Research Results”, “Conclusions” is prepared. Materials on these sections are also sent to the supervisor for feedback and the formation of comments on the text of private methods and clarification on the sections of the MBA diploma.

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