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10th Matric Class Math Guess Paper 2022 Lahore Board

Matric Math Guess Lahore Board


100% Math Guess for Matric Students

Exercise # 1.1

  • Question # 2,3

Exercise # 1.2

  • Question # 1

Exercise # 1.3

  • Question # 1 to 4,15,16

Exercise # 1.4

  • Question # 1 to 6

Exercise # 2.1

  • Question # 1,2,8,10

Exercise #2.2

  • Question # 3,4,5

Exercise # 2.3

  • Question # 5,6

Exercise # 2.7

  • Question # 1 to 5

Exercise# 2.8

  • Question # 1 to 4

Exercise # 3.2

  • Question # 8 to 13

Exercise# 3.3

  • Question â all

Exercise # 3.4

  • Question # 2

Exercise # 3.6

  • Question # 1

Exercise # 4.1

  • Question # 1 to 5

Exercise # 4.3

  • Question # 1 to 3

Exercise # 4.4

  • Question # 1 to 5

Exercise # 5.2

  • Question # 3,4

Exercise # 5.3

  • Question # 1,4

Exercise # 5.4

  • Question # 1

Exercise # 5.5

  • Question # 1,2,3

Exercise # 6.2

  • Question # 6,7,8

Exercise # 6.3

  • Question # 4,5,6

Exercise # 7.3

  • Question # 7 to 11

Exercise # 7.4

  • Question # All

Exercise # 7.5

  • Question # 1,2,5,8

Exercise # 13.2

  • Question # 7,8,9 â

Exercise # 13.3

  • Question 3,4,5,9,10 â

Theorms of chapter # 9 or chapter # 12

Long Question of Math

Chapter # 1

Exercise # 1.1

  • Question # 3(1,4,5,7)

Exercise # 1.2

  • Question # 3,5,6

Exercise # 1.3

  • Question # 3,4,5

Exercise # 1.4

  • Question # 1,2,3,4,10,11(exercise eamples 1,2 of each exercise)

Chapter # 2

Exercise # 2.1

  • Question # 3,5,8,9

Exercise # 2.2

  • Question # 3,5(exercise example 1,2)

Exercise # 2.3

  • Question # 2,5,6(exercise example3,4)
See also  Past Papers of Physics 10th Class Lahore Board 2014 Group II

Exercise # 2.6

  • Question # 2,3

Exercise # 2.7

  • Question # 2,3,5,11,12(exercise example 1,4)

Exercise # 2.8

  • Question # 1,2,5,9

Chapter # 3

Exercise # 3.1

  • Question # 7,9

Exercise # 3.4

  • Question # 1(1,2,5)
  • Question # 2 (1,2,5,6,8,9)

Exercise # 3.5

  • Question # 1,4,6

Exercise# 3.6

  • Question # 1(1,2,5,6)
  • Question # 2(1,2) (exercise example 2.4)

Chapter # 4

Exercise # 4.1

  • Question # 7,

Exercise # 4.2

  • Question # 1,2,3,7,8

Exercise # 4.3

  • Question # 1,2,7,8

Exercise # 4.4

  • Question # 1,2,5(exercise examples of ch 4 only 1st from each exercise)

Chapter # 5

Exercise # 5.2

  • Question # 3

Exercise # 5.3

  • Question # 1,3

Exercise # 5.4

  • Question # 1,2

Exercise # 5.5

  • Question # 1,4,5

Chapter # 6

Exercise # 6.1

  • Question # 5

Exercise # 6.2

  • Question # 5,6,8,13(exercise example 1,2,3,4)

Exercise # 6.3

  • Question # 6,7

Chapter # 7

Exercise # 7.2

  • Queston # 4,5,9,10

Exercise # 7.3

  • Question # 7,9

Exercise # 7.4

  • Question # 11,19,20,18,21,23,8

Exercise # 7.5

  • Question # 1,2,3,4,5,6



If your entries contain all the bullet points, past articles may be your first chance to write clear and related sentences!
Examiners’ reports can give you an idea of ​​where students made mistakes in previous exams.
Repeated testing – It is important to examine yourself more than once. Try one day, then one week, ten minutes after revising the title.
The baby was sitting at the table setting up her stopwatch before starting her last newspaper.
Command words and their definitions

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Describe: What you see says – not necessarily for reasons
Explain: Identify the reasons
Scheme: Give a brief summary
Analyze: Go into details
Comparison: What are the similarities and differences?
On the contrary: What are the differences?
Calculate: Use the numbers given to determine the value of an item
Appreciate: Give meaning to something
Rate: Consider both sides
Justification: Provide evidence to explain something
How much: Assess the importance or success of something – whether it worked or not
Discuss: Present a case with evidence or reasons
Rate: Giving weight / informed decision
Comment: Express your opinion about something
Discussion: Give different perspectives




When checking the correctness of the reflection of cash in the balance sheet, one should not be limited only to comparing their balances in the General Ledger with balance sheet data.

It is necessary to conduct at least a selective check of the correctness of conducting operations on the current account (at least 3–4 months in advance) with the involvement of all necessary accounting registers and primary documents. This will also make it possible to draw certain conclusions about the correctness of accounting in the enterprise and determine the range of those operations (and accounts) that should be checked with special attention.

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The balance sheet items “Settlement account” and “Currency account” must reflect the balance of funds on accounts 51 “Settlement account”, 52 “Currency account” and coincide with the corresponding bank statements for settlement and currency accounts. The organization of cash settlements using non-cash money is much more preferable than cash payments, since in the first case significant savings on distribution costs are achieved. The widespread use of non-cash payments is facilitated by an extensive network of banks, as well as the state’s interest in their development, both for the above reason and for the purpose of studying and regulating macroeconomic processes.

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