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A Mild Attack of Locusts Questions Answers

A Mild Attack of Locusts Questions Answers


Q1. How did the farmers try to prevent the main swarm of the locusts from lading on their fields?


Ans. The farmers were used to such calamities and knew how to handle them. They took every possible preventative or safety measures to prevent the main swarm of the locusts from lading on their fields; especially they prepared piles of wood and grass and set it on fire. When the smoke started rising from the myriads of fire, they constantly added wet leaves to make it more acrid (acidic) and black because the locusts were allergic to smoke. This preventive kept the locusts from the field for a longer time. Moreover, they also made rattling sound with the help of tins and other metallic things to stop them from settling.



Q2. Why even after all the crops were destroyed, did the men continue to fight the swarm?


Ans. Although the locusts devastated the green fields and crops, yet the villagers kept on fighting because they knew that the attack of locusts might turn out like a bad weather. Once the swarm of locusts settled on their lands/fields, they would start breeding and they might go on for the next two to three years. The farmers also knew that the locusts would definitely eat up all the new crops too, so they kept on fighting desperately to avert this calamity.

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Q3. What was the condition of the land when the locusts had moved to the south?


Ans. After the attack of locusts, the land gave the view of wilderness, as all the greenery especially the crops were eaten up by the locusts, leaving behind only the patches of barren land. Everything was to be replanted and the fields seemed to be in ruins. All the trees, buildings, bushes and earth were completely covered was gone under the moving brown masses. The villagers were expecting rain, which might spring some new grass, because the cattle would die otherwise. For Margaret, it was a great calamity and she felt like a survivor after war.



Q4. What are the measures the farmers should have taken to save their crops?


Ans. Disaster or calamities are mostly remembered for the number of people that they have killed, the property consumed by their ferocity, and the social and psychological trauma (shock) that they leave in their wake. Calamities as these effects are, disaster also bring out all the stupidities, mistakes, wrong decisions, , frailties and the ultimate incapability of human beings in conquering- or even defending against- the forces of nature beside the best that human nature has to offer. Moreover, calamities always come as an unpleasant surprise, for which no nation is pre-planned or ready to face. In this story, the attack of locusts is also like an unpredictable calamity, which can neither be predicted and nor easily averted. Although the farmers were used to this kind of attacks and they knew the precautions as well, yet they could not avert it. If it had been possible for them to avert them, they would have taken all the measures, however, they should have taken the following measures:- a. They should have sprayed the insecticides in time. b. They would have known the symptoms of such attacks must have some precautions beforehand. c. They must have got help from Agricultural Department to control this kind of attack. d. They should have used bio- pesticides like fungus, which spread disease among the locusts and result in their ultimate death.

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Q5. Write a note on the character of Margaret.


Ans. Margaret is a young girl, belonging to the village being attacked by the locusts. It was her first experience of life to be under attack of locusts and she was greatly shocked. She could not understand what to do and she felt herself like a saviour from a war. But at the same time she could not understand the happiness of the farmers after the disappearance of the locusts from that area.

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