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Mirzaiyat Aur Islam By Tarjuman Alsunnah


Mirzaiyat Aur Islam

Book name is “Mirzaiyat Aur Islam” Complicated by Institute Tarjuman-e-Islam. A good answer to Fitna-e-Qadyan in Urdu pdf.
Medical education takes a long time . As already mentioned, it is possible to become a real qualified doctor only after at least 8 years of training. That is, if a student enters the university at the age of 18, then he will be able to get a job in his specialty only by the age of 26.
For all the years of study, you will have to spend a lot of money . And this does not include payment for the training itself, but spending on stationery, medical clothing, travel, food, etc.
There is no way to get a job . Due to the time consuming study, medical students cannot even get a job to earn money on their own. The only way out is to get a part-time job as an orderly at an ambulance station, but this can only be done in senior courses.
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