Moazzam Ali Part 1 By Naseem Hijazi Download


Moazzam Ali Part 1 By Naseem Hijazi

“Moazzam Ali” is a fiction historic novel written by Naseem Hijazi. You cannot run away from technologists, they penetrate into all spheres of human life. Primary school is the foundation for future successful studies. This opinion has the right to life, since it is in grades 1-4 that the foundations of all future knowledge and basic concepts are laid, and if they are not mastered and perceived at the proper level, then there is no need to talk about good grades in grade 5 and beyond. Nowadays, the study of a foreign language occurs already from the first grade of school, and very often it is this discipline that causes a number of difficulties. On the one hand, the child is open to new knowledge and perfectly perceives new linguistic material, but if it is presented in the correct form. On the other hand, it is difficult to master a foreign language when the native language has also just begun to be studied.

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