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Mr Chips Chapter 2 Question Answers

Mr Chips Chapter 2 Question


Q.1: What was the history of Brookfield Grammar School?

Ans.: It was established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The main structure of the building was rebuilt and extended in the reign of George-1.



Q.2: What kind of people and professionals did Brookfield supply?

Ans.: It supplied fair samples of history making men like judges, members of parliament, colonial administrators, a few peers and bishops. It also turned out merchants, manufacturers, professional men, country squires and parsons.



Q.3: What were the qualifications of Mr. Chips?

Ans.: He was an ordinary teacher with inadequate qualification. He was simply a graduate from the Cambridge.



Q.4: What was presented to Chips on his retirement?

Ans.: On his retirement, he was presented with a cheque, a writing desk and a clock.



Q.5: A decent career decently closed. Comment.

Ans.: It means that Chips spent his career in a decent, honorable and graceful manner. He served Brookfield in dignified manner and left it with honor and dignity.

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Q.6: What were Chip’s ambitions when he joined Brookfield?

Ans.: When he joined Brookfield, he wanted to get headship or the senior most mastership of a first class school.



Q.7: What was the status of Brookfield School?

Ans.: Brookfield was a good school of second rank.



Q.8: Write a note on Brookfield village.

Ans.: Brookfield was a small dependent village and open fen country. It was situated on the East Coast of England.



Q.9: Write a note on Brookfield Public School.

Ans.: It was a grammar school of second rank in Brookfield. It was established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It produced many histories making people for England.

It is a thoughtful approach, forecasting, and not a blind enumeration of options that is not only more productive, but also a characteristic moment inherent in our species. A good theoretical base, a deep understanding of the essence of what is happening and your personal place in the world is one of the few skills that helps us to develop and find our place in this World. and only then make decisions and practice.

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