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Mr Chips Chapter 4 Questions Answers

Mr Chips Chapter 4 Questions


Q.1: How did Mr. Chips came across Katherine Bridges?

Ans.: Chips came across her on the rock the Great Gabble and injured himself.



Q.2: What were Mr. Chips’ views about the women of the nineties?

Ans.: Mr. Chips disliked the women of the nineties because they read Shaw and Ibsen and drove bicycle equally to men.



Q.3: Describe Katherine’s physical grace.

Ans.: She was twenty five years old. She had blue flashing eyes, freckled cheeks and straw-colored hair.



Q.4: Describe Katherine’s ideas.

Ans.: She had modern ideas. She wanted to get the right of vote and admission to universities for women. She was a radical in politics.



Q.5: Why did Katherine visit Mr. Chips daily?

Ans.: She visited him daily because she thought herself responsible for the accident, of Mr. Chips.



Q.6: How old were Chips and Katherine at the time of their marriage?

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Ans.: At the time of their marriage, Chips was forty eight years old while Katherine was twenty five young.



Q.6: Why did Chips dislike Shaw and Ibsen?

Ans.: He was a conventional person. He did not like Shaw for his strange ideas. He did not like Ibsen for his disturbing plays.


Therefore, I began with the fact that it is personal text information that plays not the last violin in digital immortality. Alas. A lot of clever heads left this world, taking with them to the grave many ideas and unique judgments. I think this is a huge loss comparable to anything else. Alas, until now such a resource as the human brain is little appreciated in our flawed society. Actually, this makes him defective. The vicious circle can be broken with just such an easy and elegant solution. Killing two at once, not even hares, but elephants.






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