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Mr Chips Chapter 7 Questions Answers

Mr Chips Chapter 7 Questions


Q.1: How did Katherine help Chips in the matter of discipline?

Ans.: She asked him to be kind without losing the balance. She urged him to give them a chance. In this way, his discipline improved a lot.



Q.2: Who was Ogilive?

Ans.: Ogilive was an old choirmaster at Brookfield School.



Q.3: Did Mr. Chips write any book consisting of his memories?

Ans.: No, he did not write any book in proper form because writing tired him. Moreover, his memories lost much of their flavour when they were written down.

Of course, if you need to master skills such as digging trenches, sweeping streets, or thrashing, there is no need to put too much emphasis on theory. But I repeat, in modern society, more and more complex tasks are becoming. And to master them, and even to choose a strategy of action, to understand whether you need to deal with them or not, you need a theoretical basis. It is a thoughtful approach, forecasting, and not a blind enumeration of options that is not only more productive

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