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Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2012 General Science Group I

Past Papers of 9th Class 2012 General Science

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2012 General Science

The device management and classroom management features also reassure parents about the use of tablets and computers. During a distance learning course, they know that their child is following the class under the supervision of the teacher. Everything is done in perfect security, with a web filtering solution that protects students’ online browsing, thus protecting them from offensive content.

The choice of homeschooling

The adoption by the National Assembly of the law against separatism, in February, aims to very strictly regulate this teaching method in order to fight against the radicalization of children who receive an education outside the National Education system. An “amalgam” according to critics of the measure, such as Clémentine Challal, of the Federation for the Freedom of Choice of Education and Learning.

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