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Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2013 General Science Group I

Past Papers of 9th Class 2013 General Science

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2013 General Science

From 2024, Instruction En Famille or IEF will have to meet the requirements of health, disability, geographical distance from a school, intensive practice of a sport or an art by the child , or even a “special need of the child”, a condition with vague outlines. National Education will also have to validate an educational project presented by the parents.

Homeschooling therefore covers several realities. However, the common point lies in the need to have an efficient digital ecosystem, which allows the student to learn in the best conditions and best practices.

This unprecedented situation, however, underlined the great disparities that exist between French territories when it comes to digital equipment. Covid-19 has highlighted the country’s digital and social divide.

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