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Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Computer Science in English Group I

9th Class 2015 Computer Science in English Group I

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Computer Science in English

According to National Education figures, in October 2020, almost all public high schools and nearly 90% of public colleges have an ENT. The rate is lower in schools. Nearly 17,000 of them (out of about 44,000) have ENT. Projects are listed in almost all the departments, but on a very variable scale from the municipality to the academy.

The risks and disadvantages of the digital cloud
While the cloud offers many advantages, there are also disadvantages and risks that must be taken into account to protect your data .

In Strasbourg, the fire at the premises of the server hosting company OVH, last March, reminded us that the cloud is above all physical material. Nearly 120,000 servers were affected by the fire and 2,000 customers permanently lost all their data.

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