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Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics English Medium Group II

Mathematics Past Papers of 9th Class 2015

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics English Medium

Quick and practical valuation of achievements
The tablet is also a great communication tool! It is easy to send a child’s drawing almost instantaneously to their parents or to provide systems (for example with the use of secure QR codes) that allow them to see and review at home the work done in class.

Generally, the children are proud to show what they have been able to do during the day. And the parents are happy to also be able to appreciate the work of the children and to make their day in the classroom a reality. The tablet offers real flexibility to record video sequences, sounds, take photos or simply save the work done. These situations of learning and sharing of the work done can arouse emulation and motivation among students and thus promote their learning.

See also  Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 English Group II
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