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Physics 9th Class Guess Paper 2022

Physics 9th Guess


Physical Practical Guess


  • Principle Of Moments
  • Vernier Caliper
  • -Zero Error
  • Graph

Guess for Short Questions

1. Formation of the content of the loan agreement by the client-borrower (type of loan, amount, term, security, etc.).

2. Consideration by the bank of the draft loan agreement submitted by the client and drawing up an opinion on the possibility of granting a loan in general and on the conditions for its provision in particular (if the issue is resolved positively).

At this stage, banks determine:

a) the creditworthiness of potential borrowers, i.ะต. their ability to repay the loan in a timely manner. A credit check is a prerequisite for concluding a loan agreement.

b) its ability to provide a loan to the enterprise in the amount required by it, based on the available credit resources, the possibility of increasing them due to its deposit and interest policy, attracting interbank loans.

3. Joint adjustment of the loan agreement by the client and the bank until a mutually acceptable option is reached and submitted for consideration by lawyers.

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4. Signing of the loan agreement by both parties, i.e. giving it the force of a legal document.

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