PU MA English Part 1 Syllabus

Appendix A: Outline of MA English Part I Papers

Paper No.
Paper Name
Paper I
Classical Poetry
Paper II
Paper III
Paper IV
Paper V
American Literature

Total Marks: 500

Appendix B: Books & subject names of MA English Part I Papers

Paper I: (Classical Poetry)

1.ย Chaucerย The Prologue
2.ย Miltonย Paradise Lost Books I & IX
3.ย Donneย Love/Divine Poems
4.ย Popeย The Rape of the Lock.
5.ย Wyatt:ย The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor
Whose List to Hunt
Madam Withouen Many Words
They Flee from Me.
Is it Possible Forget Not Yet
What should I say Stand who so list
6.ย Surreyย My Friend the Things That Do Attain Love
That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought
So Cruel Prison
Wyatt Resteth Here

Paper II: (Drama)

1.ย Sophoclesย Oedipus Rex
2.ย Marloweย Dr. Faustus
3.ย Shakespeareย Othello
The Winter’s Tale
4.ย Wildeย The Importance of Being Earnest

See also  Short Note on Disorder of Nervous System

Paper III: (Novel)

1.ย Trollopeย Barchester Towers
2.ย Jane Austenย Pride & Prejudice
3.ย G. Eliotย Adam Bede
4.ย Dickensย A Tale of Two Cities
5.ย Hardyย The Return of the Native

Paper IV: (Prose)

1.ย Bacon Essays:
Of Truth
Of Death
Of Revenge
Of Adversities
Of Simulation and Dissimulation
Of Parents and Children
Of Great Place
Of Nobilitie
Of Superstition
Of Friendship
Of Ambition
Of Studies
2.ย Jonathan Swiftย Gulliver’s Travels
3.ย Bertrand Russellย Unpopular Essays
4.ย Edward Saidย Only the introduction to the book entitled “Culture and Imperialism”
5.ย Seamus Heaneyย Only the essay “The Redress of Poetry” from the book entitled The Redress of Poetry.

Paper V: (American Literature)

1.ย Adrienne Richย Diving into the Wreck
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Final Notation
2.ย Sylvia Plathย Ariel
Morning Song
Poppies in October
The Bee Meeting
The Arrival of the Bee Box

3.ย Richard Wilburย Still Citizen Sparrow
After the last Bulletin
4. John Ashbury Melodic Train

See also  What is Analogy in Biology


1.ย O’Neilย Mourning becomes Electra (only the First of the Trilogy which is titled ‘The Home Coming’ is included in the M.A. Syllabus)
2.ย Millerย The Crucible


1.ย Ernest Hemingwayย For whom the Bell Tolls
2. Toni Morrison Jazz


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