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The Rebel Poem Reference to Context

The Rebel Reference to Context




These lines have been taken from the poem “The Rebel” written by D.J. Enright.




This poem deals with the attitude of a social rebel. Actually a rebellion is a manner to look different from others. Such a social rebel is neither dangerous nor vicious. He does not make the other people‟s lives miserable. He just wants to look different. Young dissatisfied people may behave like this. But the society should not have social rebels

Methodological knowledge provides an opportunity to get an answer to the question: “how to use theoretical knowledge in practice, how to self-study, self-develop, self-improve in the field of physical culture?” Practical knowledge characterizes the answer to the question: “how to effectively perform this or that physical exercise, motor action?” Knowledge is necessary for self-knowledge of a person in the process of physical culture and sports activity. First of all, this refers to self-awareness, i.e. awareness of oneself as a person, awareness of their interests, aspirations, experiences.

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