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Sultan Muhammad Fatih History in Urdu

Sultan Muhammad Fateh By Idrees Azad.

Sultan Muhammad Fatih was born on thirtieth March, 1432. He was remarked underneath the superintendence of his father, Sultan Murad II, the seventh Ottoman Sultan. His father was ready to prepare for the Sultan. Muhammad Al-Fatih is memorized all the Quran, learn the portentous narrations, Muslim jurisprudence, arithmetic, uranology and consequently the skills needed for war. He additionally learnt Arabic, Persian, Latin and Greek languages. He joined his father in his battles and conquests.

He was appointed by his father Sultan Murad as ruler of the small state in the order that he may receive sensible coaching on administering state affairs underneath the superintendence of a number of the highest students of that point. This matter is influenced by the character of the youngest patrician and tinted his temperament with Muslim morals and manners.



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determine the duration of classes. This is influenced by the age of the students. The duration of one lesson can be from 40 to 90 minutes;
prepare training material. It shouldn’t be too simple or, on the contrary, complicated. The tutor should take into account the age of the listeners, making allowances for the level and ability of each student;
draw up a lesson plan. Beginner tutors are sure that knowledge of the subject allows you not to prepare for the lesson. However, it is not. You must make a plan, indicating exactly what you will do and how long it will take;

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