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A Tale of Two Cities Poem Summary

A Tale of Two Cities Summary

All the people whether rich or poor were afraid injured and scarred because of a lot of hue and cry, thundering sounds of weapons and army parade.


The hills and the buildings were destroyed and there remained no one to help and console the injured.


There was total destruction and nothing was left. The rich culture and the beautiful landscapes were destroyed. Everything bore the brunt of lethal weapons.


In the moments of fury all the population of two cities was wiped off by atomic explosion. All the glory of their civilization departed with the destruction.


All this destruction was caused by a mad and cruel nation that did not care for the human rights and also did not bother about the fatal results of war on humanity only to fulfill their material pursuits.



But the people of these cities are very much brave and courageous as they did not lose heart and suffered the pains patiently. They have risen again in the comity of nations by dint of their will power and bravery. They created a great enthusiasm out of ashes of their lost glory.

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