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Tartary Poem Reference to Context

Reference to Context for Tartary




This stanza has been taken from the poem “Tartary” by Walter De Le Mare.




This poem is a descriptive picture of an imaginary kingdom of Tartary. The poet considers himself the king of that state and wants to enjoy all the delights of life. He would have a throne of pure gold. Beautiful pets would roam about to please him.


Musicians would play on instruments at the time of his meals. His rich land would be full of honey, fruits, beautiful gardens and attractive valleys. In fact, this poem is a journey into the realm of imagination.


According to the degree of application, there are sports and sports-applied competitions. Sports only indirectly reflect the specific features of a particular activity (for people driving high-speed transport, competitions in alpine skiing, basketball and other sports games; for construction workers – in acrobatics, gymnastics). Applied sports differ from sports in that their content includes physical exercises specific to a particular profession (for water sportsmen – competitions in water sports).

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