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What is the Theme of the Story Thank you Ma’am

Theme of the Story Thank you Ma’am


Punishment is not the end of all the wrongdoings. It is better to reform someone through the power of character instead of scolding and punishing.


Mrs. Jones overlooks Roger’s faults and instead offers him the kindness and gentleness that a mother would offer her own son. She gives him forgiveness and understanding along with food and shelter. This kind behavior reforms Roger.


But true mathematics is a discipline characterized by uncertainty. Its essence boils down to research, hypotheses and interpretations, and not unambiguous answers. Corporations collect and sell information about our purchases, internet use, social media and electrical appliances, calls and text messages, employment and health. Our location can be tracked by a mobile phone and a car with Internet access. Street cameras recognize our faces. All this and many other data can be brought together with the help of intelligent information systems and get a very complete picture of what each of us does, how he lives, whom he loves and whom he dislikes, and for whom he will vote .By comparison, the Stasi look like pathetic amateurs.

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