What is the Structure of Ferns

Structure of Ferns




Ferns prefer cool, humid and shady habitats. They grow on damp places of wells and bridges, on banks of waterfalls and streams and under the shade of trees.




Ferns are small plants. Their size range is from few inches to few feet. However tree ferns reach up to 18 meters (60 feet).




Plant body of fern consists of root, stem and leaves.


  1. i) Stem is generally underground and called rhizome.


  1. ii) Roots are given from lower side of rhizome. They absorb water and salts from soil.


iii) Leaves are produced from the underground stem and grow above the ground.


  1. iv) Circination is a condition in which young leaves are rolled from the tips and open up with the age.




  1. i) Sporophyte is diploid. It reproduces asexually by producing spores.


  1. ii) Gametophyte is haploid. It reproduces sexually by forming gametes.
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Alternation of Generation:


Sporophyte produces gametophyte and gametophyte gives rise to sporophyte and thus, two generation appear one after the other. This process is called alternation of generation.


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