All the World’s a Stage Reference to Context

All the World’s a Stage Reference to Context




These lines have been taken from the poem “All the World’s a Stage” written by William Shakespeare.




This sonnet of Shakespeare is from his famous play “As You Like It”. This poem describes various stages of human life. Life has been compared to a play or drama played by every man and woman on the stage of the world. His seven stages of life are the seven acts of a play. This shows Shakespeare’s deep knowledge and transience of human life.

and only then make decisions and practice. Of course, if you need to master skills such as digging trenches, sweeping streets, or thrashing, there is no need to put too much emphasis on theory. But I repeat, in modern society, more and more complex tasks are becoming. And to master them, and even to choose a strategy of action, to understand whether you need to deal with them or not, you need a theoretical basis.

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