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Write a Letter to your Friend thanking him for his Hospitality during our visit to his House

Write a Letter to your Friend thanking him for his Hospitality during our visit to his House

Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

Nov 15, 2017

Dear Friend,


I reached my home quite safe and sound the day before yesterday. I want to say thanks to whole of your family for the hospitality and kindness which you have shown to me. I will not forget the taste of biryani and chicken which you cooked for me one day. Further, your parents also treated me like their own son. I will also remember the trip which you specially arranged for me to the historical places of Lahore.

It was due to you that I got a chance to have a deep observation of cultural heritage ‘of our ancestors. Anyhow, I again thank you for your hospitality.


Please remember me in your prayers.

Yours sincerely,





Pines, junipers and other conifers with a well-developed root system that penetrates the soil to a considerable depth are planted on the slopes of rivers and ravines to strengthen them and prevent erosion. It has been calculated that up to 5,000 m 3 of soil is annually washed out from each hectare on steep mountain slopes, while in dense juniper thickets the soil is almost never washed away. Forest belts of coniferous plants trap snow in the fields, which improves plant nutrition in spring.

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The resin of coniferous plants is widely used in medicine for the treatment of wounds and burns. Fir resin is of particular value, from which a special substance, camphor, is obtained. It improves the activity of the heart muscle, so it is used for heart diseases. Camphor is also part of various painkillers. Many valuable substances for the chemical industry are extracted from the resin (for example, a solvent for oil paints – turpentine). Essential oils (volatile substances that have a strong and usually pleasant smell) obtained from the resin are used in the manufacture of perfumes, in the confectionery and medical industries. Siberian pine seeds, popularly called “pine nuts”, contain a nutritious and tasty oil. It is used as food, like the “pine nuts” themselves.

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