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Write a Letter to your Mother about the test you have just Taken

Letter to Mother about the test you have just Taken


Examination Hall,

City A. B. c

April 7, 2017

Dear Mother,


I am sorry, I did not write a letter earlier. Actually, the principal, quite suddenly announced the test schedule. There were hardly three days. I was very busy in preparation of those exams. Yesterday, the exams were over. My performance in the exams is not up-to-the-mark. As l was not prepared for them. Secondly, one of my teachers went for offering Hajj.

So l could not gain much guideline in Chemistry. Anyhow, I will make up my deficiency later on. In next exams, I will show you better results.


Please convey my Slam to all at home.

Yours affectionately,




The answers to these questions are very simple.: without language there would be neither one, nor the other, nor the third. After all, how would medicine develop if people could not communicate and share their well-being, thoughts and discoveries? Even a lucky caveman who realized that certain herbs or actions helped to cope with a certain kind of pain would not be able to tell anyone about it. And humanity would have perished from disease and loneliness in the crowd.

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The same is true of art and history .– progress is impossible without the massive, collective use of new techniques and types of thinking. Thought itself, by the way, is also a kind of communication. Communication of a person with himself, i.e. thinking is talking, and talking uses language, though silent to others. Without reasoning, thinking and using languages, the development of personality is impossible.

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