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Write a Letter to your Sister congratulating her on her Success in Exams

Letter to Sister congratulating her on her success in the Exams


Examination Hall,

City A. B. C

March 6, 2017

Dear Sister,


How glad I am to see your result in the gazette! You have passed your Matriculation Exam with distinction. You have secured 90% marks. How good it is! I congratulate you from the core of my heart on your excellent performance, May God bless you with success in every sphere of life.

Indeed it is a matter of pride for the whole of our family. So, when may I expect a party from you?


With best wishes


Yours affectionately,




The only thing worth helping a drawing child is to give supplies for painting and graphics and teach them how to use them (how to mix paints, how not to ruin a carpet, how to hold a brush, etc.).

I myself became a “victim” of the opposite radical method of teaching drawing in my own childhood. In short, the story is this: they decided to send me to study with a private teacher, a graduate of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, who, according to rumors, achieves very good results with his students. Indeed, the drawings of his numerous pupils of different ages were distinguished by an enviable quality of execution and academic style!

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At the first lesson, I was asked to draw a house and a tree in winter according to the model. On the second – the same plot, but in the spring … On the third and fourth – you can guess for yourself … And then – the cycle of the seasons began anew, but the number of trees increased to three, and the leaf size was twice as large. As a child, I was patient and endured the “house epic” courageously. A complaint from me to my mother, after which the classes stopped, was received six months later. I timidly made a proposal to the teacher to draw a path leading to the house, and on it – a cart, a horse and a driver.

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