9th Class Chemistry Guess Paper 2022

9th Class Chemistry Guess


Questions # 1

  • Give two properties of neutrons.
  • How many neutrons are present in C-12 and C-13?
  • Do you know any element having no neutrons in its atoms?

Questions # 2

  • Why the second ionization energy of an element is higher than first one?
  • What do you mean by blocks in a periodic table and why elements were placed in blocks?
  • For an element Z = 92, A = 238. Calculate the number of electron and proton in it.
  • What is the definition of the element according to the Robert Boyle?
  • What is the significance of the symbol of an element?
  • Define Boyleโ€™s Law and verify with an example.
  • What type of elements from metallic bond?
  • Define Avogadroโ€™s number.
  • Which element has the highest electro negativity?
  • What type of elements have tendency of sharing of electrons?
  • Why and how elements arranged in a period?
  • What type of elements are metals?
  • Write down the names of elements of group 1 with their symbols?
  • Define Boyleโ€™s rule?

Questions # 3

  • Write two chemical properties of metals and non-metals.
  • Define metal, give two examples.
  • Write down the name of four least reactive metals.
  • Compare any four physical properties of metals and non-metals.
  • What are important physical characteristics of metals?
  • Why reactivity of metals increase drown the group?
  • How non-metals are essential part of our body structure?
  • Which metal is used for metal work?
  • State the physical properties of metals
  • What is the trend of variation it densities of alkali metals?
  • Metals are good conductor of electricity. Why?
  • What are transition metals?
  • How oxygen reacts with group II A metals?
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Questions # 4

  • Why silver and gold are least reactive?
  • Give properties and uses of gold?
  • Which is lighter than aluminum of gold?
  • Give the applications of silver. Why platinum is used for making Jewellery?
  • Can pure gold be used for making electrical wires?

Questions # 5

  • Give the Properties of dipole-dipole forces.
  • Define dipole interactions. How are they created?

Questions # 6

  • Write down any two properties of canal rays.
  • Give two properties of positive rays.
  • Write down two properties, of cathode rays.
  • What conclusion you derive from these properties.
  • How are cathode rays produced?
  • What is the nature of charge on cathode rays?
  • What are its five major characteristics?

Questions # 7

  • Define atomic mass unit. Why is it needed?
  • Define atomic number and mass number.
  • What are SI units of atomic radius?
  • Define Tri-atomic and Hetero-atomic.
  • Why do atoms react?
  • How can you define atomic radius?
  • What is Luther Meyerโ€™s atomic volume curve?
  • What is meant by atomic size? Write its unit.
  • What are the salient features of Rutherfordโ€™s atomic model?
  • How Rutherford discovered that atom has a nucleus located at the centre of the atom?
  • What are the defects of Rutherford atomic model?
  • Give two postulates of Bohrโ€™s atomic theory.
  • How it is related to gram?
  • What is the relative atomic mass?
  • Find out the mass of 3 moles of oxygen atoms.
  • Why the size of atom decreases in a period?
  • How to atoms follow octet rule?
  • What is trend of atomic radius in period and group?
  • Calculate the number of atoms in 10 grams of Aluminum (Al).
  • Differentiate between Homo atomic and Hetero atomic molecules.
  • How is periodicity of properties dependent upon number of protons in an atom?
  • Calculate the number of moles, number of molecule atoms present in 6 grams of water.
  • How was it proved that electrons are fundamental particles of an atom?
  • Give basic postulates of Bohrโ€™s atomic theory.
  • Give the electronic configuration of carbon atom.
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Questions # 8

  • Give the physical properties of sodium and its uses.
  • Write any two uses of sodium.
  • Why does sodium make ionic bond with chlorine?
  • Why does sodium forma chemical bound with chloride?
  • Why magnesium is harder than sodium.

Questions # 9

  • Write down two uses of calcium.
  • Give physical properties of calcium and its uses.
  • Why calcium is more electropositive tan to magnesium?
  • Write the chemical formulae of Aluminium Sulphate and Calcium Phosphate.

Questions # 10

  • Define and explain Charlesโ€™s Law of gasses.
  • Whether the density of gases increases on cooling? Explain.
  • Why are the densities of gases lower than that of liquids?
  • Why the gases are compressible?
  • Why noble gases are not reactive?
  • Can you cool a gas by increasing it volume?

Questions # 11

  • What is meant by volume / volume %?
  • What do you mean by %-mass / mass?
  • Give the example and formula of mass by volume percent.
  • There are 3.01 x 1023 molecules of CO2 present in a container.
  • Calculate the number of moles of coal in the given mass.
  • Calculate the number of moles and its mass. You have a piece of coal (carbon) weighing 9.0 grams.
  • How can you differentiate between molecular formula, formula mass and empirical formula?
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Calculate the number of moles of coal in the given mass.

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