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9th Class Computer Guess Paper 2022 Lahore Board

9th Computer Guess Lahore Board


Complete 9th Guess Papers

Short Question

  • Define analog computer.
  • Convert 1 MB into GB.
  • Define application software.
  • Define electronic data processing.
  • Define desktop computer.
  • Define Floppy Disk.
  • Define information.
  • Define Hardware. Write names of three different hardware units.
  • Define low-level language.
  • Define mouse event. Write names of different mouse events.
  • Define microcomputer.
  • Define Output unit.
  • Define Secondary Memory.
  • Define pocket computer.
  • Define secondary memory.
  • Define the computer code.
  • Define System Unit.
  • Define Unicode.
  • Describe a programming language.
  • Describe a Computer Language.
  • Describe Mother Board.
  • Describe the use of data bus.
  • Describe motherboard.
  • Differentiate between Binary and Decimal Number System.
  • Differentiate between High Level and Low Level Languages.
  • Differentiate between bit and byte.
  • For what purpose supercomputer is usually used?
  • How are computers used in retailing applications?
  • Give examples of important secondary memory.
  • How did microprocessor affect computer?
  • How does a laser Printer Works?
  • How does a dot matrix printer work?
  • How does the abacus work?
  • How were punched cards used?
  • How integrated circuits are better than transistor?
  • LCD and CRT stands for what?
  • State the purpose of Seek Time.
  • Name different types of system software
  • State the purpose of Trackball.
  • What are mouse events? Name different types of mouse events?
  • What are mnemonics?
  • What are Numeric Keys?
  • What do UNIVAC and ENIAC stand for?
  • What are the advantages of using trackball instead of mouse?
  • What do you know about ENIAC?
  • What do you mean by computer hardware?
  • What do you know about Joystick?
  • What do you mean by Logic Unit?
  • What do you mean by UNIVAC?
  • What do you mean by system software?
  • What id Difference Engine?
  • What is CRT Monitor?
  • What is basic difference between keyboard and type writer?
  • What is decimal number system?
  • What is function of Alt key?
  • What is difference Engine?
  • What is idea of modern stored program?
  • What is number system? Write the names of two number systems.
  • What is meant by computer storage?
  • What is PROM?
  • What is system unit?
  • What is PROM? For what purpose it is used?
  • What is the difference between Data and Information?
  • What is the difference between primary and secondary memory?
  • What is the difference between Numeric and Alphanumeric Keys?
  • What is the importance of Computer in Banking?
  • What is the purpose of “Caps Lock Key”?
  • What is the importance of computer in the field of banking?
  • What is the role of computer is distance learning?
  • What is the use of input unit?
  • What is the use of Data Bus?
  • What is the use of Microphone?
  • What is the use of OCR software?
  • What is the use of monitor?
  • What is the use of output unit?
  • Which is the most powerful computer?
  • What is Video Controller?
  • Which technology was used in second generation of computers?
  • Why CPU is important in a computer System?
  • Who was John Napier?
  • Why hardware is useless without software.
  • Why RAM is a volatile memory?
  • Why Laptop is popular?
  • Write basic difference between SRAM and DRAM?
  • Write down the use of microphone.
  • Write down names of any four devices which are used as input and output devices.
  • Write down two advantages of transistor.
  • Write the use of USB port.
  • Write down two negative impacts of computer and internet on society.
  • Write two different uses of CD-ROM.
  • Write two advantages of low level languages.
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Long Questions

A bank loan is money issued by a bank to organizations and individuals for a specific period and specific purposes, on a repayable basis and usually with interest. A bank loan is a so-called loan and it is an important source of borrowed funds for an organization. Credit and settlement relations of the organization with the bank are built on a voluntary basis and mutual interest of partners. Loans are provided to organizations, as a rule, for enlarged lending objects (in terms of the totality of inventories and production costs) or only for settlements with suppliers, for the payment of wages and for a set of targeted economic and social programs.

The subject of the loan agreement can only be cash. The loan agreement must be concluded only in writing. Failure to comply with the written form entails the invalidity of the written contract.

Banking institutions issue loans on the terms of strict observance of the principles of repayment, urgency, payment and secured, provided for by the current legislation.

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The conclusion of loan agreements takes place in several stages.

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