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The Angel and the Author and Others Question Answers

The Angel and the Author and Others Question


Q1. At what point of the journey in his dream did the author hear the throbbing sound of wings?


Ans. One night, in his dream the author felt that he was flying up towards the sky. While he was moving up and up he could observe the little luminosity down on the earth. At this moment, he heard the throbbing sound of the wings behind him. When he turned around, he saw that it was the recording angel.


Q2.What time of the year was it?


Ans. It was about a fortnight (two weeks) after Christmas, when the writer had a worrisome dream. The author dreamt that he was moving up towards the sky.



Q3. What does the author like about Christmas?


Ans. The author tells the angel that he likes Christmas, because it makes everybody good especially the lovely sentiments and the noble deeds that people keep on repeating from a little before Christmas up to the end of January. There is also an ironic element in the writer’s opinion that usually people do good deeds only for a limited time each years just to show off especially during the religious days.

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Q4. Write down the good deeds the author has admitted are a great joy on Christmas?


Ans. The good deeds that the author has done are as follow:- 1 He submitted ten shillings subscription to the daily telegraph’s six penny fund for the unemployed. He attended four charity dinners, later he had to suffer from stomach problem. 3 He sent his twelve self-signed photographs to a charity bazaar to be sold to raise funds. 4 He also performed in Talbot Chimneys and helped to raise funds for the destitute (poor) British in Johannesburg. 5 Moreover, he sent his old clothes along with a useable coat to rummage sale and bought a raffle to help the poor.



Q5. Why noble deeds are always a great joy for the author?


Ans. Good deeds bring spiritual satisfaction to everyone. Similarly for the author good deeds are of great joy, he tries to recall all his good deeds that he has done during his lifetime. In his dream, he is dead and realizes that he has lost all opportunities for good deeds. He also tells the angel that noble deeds are always a great joy to him and he loves to think of all the good deeds he himself has done. He often thought of keeping a diary–noting them down each day as it would be so nice for one’s children. Noble deeds not only satisfy one‟s conscience but also a true way to win God’s love. A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

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Q6. What is the central idea of the story “The Angel and The Author and The Others”?


Ans. Man does not become conscious of the escaping time and opportunity that has been bestowed to him by Almighty Allah. Here in this story, the author realizes that he is no more alive and has lost all the opportunities to perform good deeds. Thus he recalls his good deeds with the ironic vein that majority of us start doing good during the specific religious occasions. In other words, in order to protect himself from damnation he starts mentioning his trivial deeds which are of no significance. The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity and this fear can only be overthrown or defeated through good deeds and following the ways prescribed by Almighty Allah.

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