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Business Law B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper 2022

Business Law B.Com Guess Paper

Business Law B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper

New Guess Paper for Business Law

Business Law B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper


The results of a consultation and an IFOP survey conducted by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) prompted the deputies to push this draft text. According to this study, 82% of children between the ages of 10 and 14 indicate that they go online regularly without the supervision of their parents.

On the other hand, only 46% of parents of young people aged 8 to 17 have implemented solutions to monitor the activity of the child on the Internet. The management wanted the company to become more professional, to get away from the image of a start-up. We also needed a more contemporary graphic charter rooted in the challenges of digital mobility.

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