Category: Notes

  • Pakistan Studies Notes in Urdu pdf

    Pakistan Studies Notes in Urdu pdf We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development…

  • What is Radioactivity in Physics

    What is Radioactivity in Physics   The phenomenon of emission of radiation from Uranium and other substances is known A as radioactivity. The substances that emit radiation are known as radioactive elements.   Experiment:   A small quantity of a radioactive element such as radium is placed in a cavity of a lead block in…

  • What is Nuclear Physics

    What is Nuclear Physics   It is the branch of Physics that deals with the structure, properties and reaction of particles found in the nuclei of atoms.   This price range includes the most popular models bought in stores. The screen they already have of good enough quality, as a rule, has a built-in accelerometer,…

  • How does TV Camera work in Physics

    TV Camera and its Working   Working: For the purpose of TV Transmission, TV Camera focuses an object to be televised. The convex lens of the TV Camera produces an image on the thin sensitive plate known as mosaic screen. The mosaic screen is fixed in the camera and has the ability to emit electrons.…

  • What is Voltmeter and How to use it

    Voltmeter and its use   Introduction:   A galvanometer having high resistance in series is called a voltmeter. It is used to measure potential difference.     Working:   The potential difference across a resistance is directly’ proportional to the current passing through it. As the deflection of the pointer is directly proportional to the…

  • What is a Telephone and How does it work

    Telephone and its Working   Introduction:   A telephone is a device by which two persons at distant places can directly talk to each other through electric current carrying wires.   Construction:   A telephone system consists of a microphone and a receiver Microphone: The microphone consists of a diaphragm suspended in front of packing…

  • What is Ammeter in Physics

    What is Ammeter in Physics   Introduction:   A galvanometer having a low resistance in parallel is called as ammeter. It is used to measure current. The low resistance connected in parallel is called shunt.     Working:   When current is passed through a Galvanometer, its coil is deflected and pointer attached with the…

  • What is Galvanometer & its use in Physics

    Galvanometer & its use   Introduction:   A galvanometer is a sensitive and delicate device used to measure the magnitude and direction of small currents   Principle of Galvanometer:   The principle of Galvanometer is based on the interaction of the magnetic field produced by a current forcing in a conductor and the magnetic field…

  • What is Radar and How does it work

    What is Radar and its working   Introduction:   Radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is used to detect and find out the distance of distant object with the help of radio waves.   Construction:   It consists of a transmitter, a receiver and several indicating devices.   Working:   Transmission: The transmitter…

  • What is Radio and How it works

    What is Radio and its Working   Introduction:   A radio is a device for receiving and sending Speech or music over large areas by electromagnetic signals.       Working:   Transmission: Information is sent out into the atmosphere from a Transmitting station. When someone speaks in the microphone at the radio station, sound…