Category: Notes

  • What is Rectification in Physics

    What is Rectification   The process of conversion of alternating current into direct current is known as rectification.   You can easily search by keywords and expressions. It is very convenient to store electronic information. A small disk or flash card can hold an entire library. It is even difficult to imagine that a person…

  • What are the Methods of Making Magnet

    Methods of Making Magnet   1- Single-Touch Method:   Take a hard steel bra and rub it with one end of a magnet in the direction from S to N keeping the magnet in an inclined position. On reaching the end N of the steel bar, bring   Electrical Method:   Take a U-shape steel…

  • What is Forward Bias and Reverse Bias in Physics

    Forward Bias and Reverse Bias   Forward Biased:   If the p-type material of a semi conductor diode is at a positive potential and the n-type material is at a negative potential then the diode is forward biased. It has a very low electrical resistance.   Reverse Biased:   If the p-type material of a…

  • What is Diode in Physics

    What is Diode   The common boundary of n-type and p-type regions in a semiconductor is called p-n junction Diode, It allows the current to flow in only one direction.   Express method of learning English If you study the written parameters of the English language, this does not mean that you have managed to…

  • What is Magnetic Field in Physics

    What is Magnetic Field   The space surrounding a magnet in which its magnetic effect is felt is called a magnetic field. It is the region within which the magnet can exert its magnetic force.   The most difficult and sometimes incomprehensible is the study and construction of the spoken language of a foreign language,…

  • What are p type and n type Materials

    p type and n type Materials   n-Type Substance: A pure semiconductor with a valency of three, doped with a fit pentavalent element is called n-type semiconductor.     p-Type Substance: A pure semiconductor with a valency of three doped with a trivalent element is called n-tvpe Semiconductor.   For the accelerated and effective learning…

  • What are Ferromagnetic Substances

    What are Ferromagnetic Substances   A substance which behaves like a magnet in the presence of a strong magnetic field is called a ferromagnetic substance.   Hard Ferromagnetic Substances:   The ferromagnetic substances which retain their magnetism when removed from the magnetic field are known as hard ferromagnetic substances. Example is steel.   Soft Ferronmgnetic…

  • What is Semiconductor in Physics

    What is Semiconductor   Substances whose electrical resistance lies between those of conductors and insulators are known as semi-conductors.   Then you will notice how easy the language is for you, and how quickly you start to master it. Self-study is actually easier than it might initially seem. And all this thanks to an effective…

  • What are Non Magnetic Substances

    What are Non Magnetic Substances

    What are Non Magnetic Substances   Substances that are neither attracted nor repelled by a magnet are called non-magnetic substances. Examples are wood, glass and paper.   Mariam Mirzakhani is a Stanford University mathematician who recently won the Fields Prize, the highest honor in mathematics. This amazing woman studies hyperbolic spaces and recently developed a…

  • What is Electronics in Physics

    What is Electronics   Electronics: Electronics is a branch of Physics, which deals with the development of electron emitting devices, their utilization and controlling electron flow in electrical circuits designed for various purposes.   Choosing a theme The choice of subject matter for an e-book can play a key role and affect your earnings. It…