Fashion & Beauty

How to overcome dandruff



Dandruff causes a lot of inconvenience and looks very ugly. We will trying to explain How to overcome dandruff or  deal with it effectively.

What is dandruff

According to scientific treatises, dandruff is a syndrome characterized by a high rate of scaly exfoliation of skin particles over a relatively long time. Simply put, dandruff is a lesion of the scalp, characterized by the formation of small scales on the skin.

To make it clear what dandruff is, you need to say a few words about where it comes from on our head. “White flakes” are just dead cells of the scalp. These cells are updated in 25-30 days imperceptibly to the human eye. Due to various disorders, the cell renewal cycle can be reduced to 7-6 days, during which time the cells do not have time to fully mature and lose water.

As a result, they do not dry out completely, but remain sticky and stick together, flaking off as noticeable white flakes. One of the reasons for the increase in the rate of cell renewal is the increased abundance of the yeast fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which constantly lives on the surface of the scalp. When the pH of the skin changes, it multiplies intensely and causes an inflammatory response.

Cause of dandruff

There are two main causes of dandruff: skin diseases and fungal infections of the epidermis. Many doctors believe that yeast is the main cause of dandruff. Some argue that dandruff occurs due to disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems. Other experts cite improper hair and scalp care as the main cause of dandruff.

However, most agree that the most common cause of dandruff is a microscopic fungus that lives under the hair on the scalp. Some scientists cite a malfunction of the sebaceous gland as a possible cause of dandruff, as increased production of sebum quickly pollutes the hair. The exact cause of dandruff can only be established by a doctor and dandruff should be treated on time, without waiting for the dandruff to begin to progress.

In the vast majority of cases, a relatively harmless cause of dandruff is a yeast fungus, the so-called Malasesia, which can be found on any head.

Pityrosporum ovale or Malassezia Furfur is a microorganism that is found on the skin of every healthy person and does not manifest itself under normal conditions. But metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins (especially groups B and A), disturbances in the digestive system, nervous strain, climate change, improper hair care, etc. create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Often the appearance of “white flakes” is a symptom of another skin disease: seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose a particular disease, after examining and conducting diagnostic studies. Therefore, if you have problems of this kind, we advise you to consult a doctor. Treatment at an early stage is much easier and more productive.

There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily. It depends on the characteristics of the sebum secretion of the scalp. Dry dandruff creates a powder effect on the hair and crumbles easily. With oily dandruff, dying cells are saturated with sebum and weigh down the hair, causing a lot of inconvenience, increased oiliness of the hair and itching.

How to deal with Dandruff at home

Dandruff can be successfully dealt with on your own. True, if inflammation still occurs on the head, that is, the scalp is reddened, gets wet, covered with crusts or even hair falls out, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

Effective in self-treatment of dandruff are special dandruff shampoos. They act antimycotic and soothe inflammation.

To prevent recurrences, it is enough to use an anti-dandruff shampoo once a week for six months. Between treatment procedures, the hair should be washed with a regular mild shampoo for daily care. If dandruff reappears, the treatment can be repeated.

Anti-dandruff shampoos contain detergents that free the scalp from dead skin particles, and additives that inhibit the formation of new dandruff. As a rule, in such shampoos there is not even fragrance, so that it is as soft and gentle as possible. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions that are in the insert or contained on the package.

So, for example, some shampoos are active only at the time of shampooing. Therefore, in order to achieve a result, they should be left on the hair for several minutes. There are shampoos that contain active molecules in their composition that remain on the scalp until the next wash, thus ensuring a long-lasting effect of the therapeutic component. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a shampoo, it is better to consult with a specialist. This is perfect for How to overcome dandruff.

Important little things

To wash your hair, use a mild shampoo and always rinse your hair with running water. As a rule, daily shampooing with a suitable shampoo does not harm the hair. But if you have oily hair, you should not wash your hair very often, because washing your hair activates the production of sebum by the glands.

After washing, do not dry your hair with a too hot jet of a hair dryer. Hot air can increase skin irritation. Oily hair is best to air dry.

The sun has a healing effect. In winter, the scalp of patients produces significantly more dandruff than in summer.

A scalp massage is very helpful. Swipe it with your fingertips for 5-10 minutes while washing your hair. This improves the blood supply and nutrition of the hair, and also contributes to a more effective penetration into the roots of the medicinal substances contained in shampoos.

Do not forget that a properly selected comb or massage brush is also of great importance for the prevention of dandruff. Do not choose combs with sharp teeth, it is better to use wooden combs, as well as brushes with natural bristles. And, probably, it is not necessary to remind that they should be individual. Do not use other people’s hats, hair clips.

For prevention, comb your hair for 10 minutes every day before going to bed. This not only improves blood circulation to the scalp, but also regulates fat metabolism. But remember, if dandruff has already appeared, frequent brushing removes sebum from the scalp and spreads throughout the hair. Even if you are bothered by itching on your head, avoid combing and scratching it. This can lead to the formation of small wounds, inflammation and infections of the scalp.

Diet plays an important role in the fight against dandruff. Try to avoid foods such as chocolate, nuts and some seafood during this period, such as shellfish. This is How to overcome dandruff

And remember that the procedure for treating dandruff is very long: from 1 to 2 months. So be patient!


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