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Guess Paper 10th Matric Class Pakistan Studies 2022

Guess Paper for 10th Class Pakistan Studies


Pak Studies 10th Guess Paper

SHORT Question

  • Chptr=5 Q#1,2,5,6,8.
  • Chp6=Q#1,3 ,5,6,8,9
  • Chp7 Q#3,4,5 ,7,9.
  • Chp.8 Q#1,2,3,5,6,7.

LONG Question

  • Chp.7 Q#1,4,5,9.
  • Chp.8 Q#1,2,3,5
  • Chp.5 Q#3,5,7.
  • Chp.6 Q#1,4,6,12.

Pakistan Studies Complete Guess Papers for Matric


12. Check the performance of all zippers and fasteners .

13. Ask the child to try on the backpacks and satchels left after your check so that he chooses the most convenient for himself.

If many of a person’s friends use the new means of communication, that person will be motivated to join in and may learn to use the medium through a combination of imitation and trial and error. The more enthusiasm and significance associated with a communication channel in a social context, the higher the motivation for choosing this channel.

It has been suggested that multimedia tools that provide greater social contact between two parties are better suited to building relationships (social presence theory). Face-to-face communication would be the best for building relationships, and more compact electronic media would be the least effective. But as the Internet has evolved, relationship building through lean media has become commonplace, and many people find it more effective at building relationships than face-to-face communication.

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