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Hisar E Zaat Novel by Nighat Seema

Hisar E Zaat Novel

This is one of the best piece of Hisar E Zaat From the collection of or Written by Nighat Seema It have 43 (Forty Three Only) Pages. The lessons are not built in the usual way, when the teacher tells new material, then 2-3 people answer, and it’s time to write down the homework. In Singapore, the lesson involves different ways of working , which the teacher can choose in any way, even unexpected for the students. He builds the order of the lesson from different elements called “structures”. You can connect them in any order. The lessons are varied because there are only 250 parts, and different interesting combinations can be obtained. Schoolchildren know the step-by-step algorithm for completing each block. The teacher needs to keep track of the time, act as a moderator.


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